A Journey into Rare Oolong Teas
Tea is one of the most consumed beverages around the world, with a rich history as a medicine and wellness promoter. Oolong tea, belonging to the same family as black and green teas, offers unique flavours and aromas. In this blog post, we will explore some of the rarest Oolong teas available in the market and why you need to try them.
1. Da Hong Pao: A Rich and Unique Treasure
This tea, originating from a single plant variety on Wuyi Mountain, China, is one of the most expensive teas globally. Its earthy taste and rich aftertaste, thanks to a complex roasting technique, make it a must-try for enthusiasts.
2. Milk Oolong: Creamy Delight from Taiwan
Known for its creamy taste and velvety texture, Milk Oolong gets its unique flavour through a machine-added milk process during the final stage. It's an excellent choice for those seeking a sweet and creamy aroma.
4. Oriental Beauty: Light and Velvety Smooth
Exclusive to Taiwan, Oriental Beauty offers an incredibly smooth and sweet taste. The distinct aroma and flavour come from the unique process of rolling the bitten leaves and storing them in a dark place.
5. Tie Guan Yin: Floral Aroma of the "Iron Goddess"
Famously known as "Iron Goddess," Tie Guan Yin hails from Anxi, Fujian Province, China. With over four hundred years of history, its floral aroma and light roasting make it stand out in the Oolong tea world.
Conclusion: Embarking on a Tasting Adventure
Now that we have explored some of the rarest Oolong teas, it's time to head out and give them a try. The flavours vary depending on origin and processing techniques, even changing with the seasons. Understanding these rare varieties will enrich your tea-drinking experience. So make a note of these teas for your next tea tasting session with friends and family.